- Youth parents, the deadline for summer camp is today! Please turn in your $75 deposit before you leave, designating it for summer camp. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Josh.
- This Wednesday, February 26th, is our monthly women's ministry meeting. Ladies, please be here at 6 pm to continue your Bible study and enjoy a time of fellowship.
- It has been a long time since we updated our church directory pictures! So, we are taking pictures of all of our members starting today. If you haven't yet, we are asking everybody to sign up at the Welcome Center for a Sunday after our worship service, and we look forward to getting new pictures in our directory soon.
- The March Reformed Baptist Network Missionary Prayer Guide is out and available to pick up at the book stall. Let's continue praying for the spread of the gospel around the world!
- Today's sermon is from 1 Samuel 24:1-22. Our bulletin is available on our web site, mvbaptist.church/bulletin . On our web site, you can submit prayer requests and give. You may worship through giving by placing your offering in the plates between the double doors just after worship.
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