Any covenant member of MVBC age 16 and older can take part. Completion of LTC will be a requirement for men to be considered for Eldership at MVBC.
LTC will take place on Sunday afternoons at 2-3 pm. Pastor Curt will serve as the teacher and will be set up in the Conference Room N1. Our first session will begin January 12th, 2020.
Each class session will be broadcasted live via Google Meet. Anyone with a free gmail account has access to Google Meet. The app can be downloaded on the Android and Apple App stores or can be accessed with any web browser. You will be able to view Pastor Curt's screen and interact with the class.
The Pastor's Ministry by Brian Croft
Baptist Foundations by Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman
Nine Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever
Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung
Budgeting for a Healthy Church by Jamie Dunlop
Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem
Fifty Crucial Questions: Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by John Piper and Wayne Grudem
Church Elders by Jeramie Rinne
Spiritual Disciplines by Donald Whitney
Ladies studies will substitute these 2 books for The Pastor's Ministry and Church Elders:
The Gospel Comes With a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield
Love Thy Body by Nancy Pearcey
These books are available on Amazon or you can secure a copy at the MVBC Bookstall.
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